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Moving the Bug report forum
Dear customers, we inform you about the change in the provision of reports on our assemblies and other services.
In the period from 15 to 20 August will be moving bug report from the old forum to the new portal
All created reports until August 16 will be processed within 1-2 months on the old forum and archived.
All new reports from August 16 will be accepted only on the new portal
To provide access to the new bug report, please contact Skype: Urchika
If you previously registered under the same login as in the old forum, you will be activated as a client on the new bug report automatically.
The old forum completely stops the message reception and registration August 20. It will be archived and open for viewing as an advertisement to promote our services, showcase our work over the years and SEO promotion. If someone is not satisfied that his reports and messages will be open for public access in the old forum, please let us know, and we will delete your messages and clean your profile. On the new forum technical section for our customers will be hidden from prying eyes and completely Confederate.
We have considered all pojelaniya, especially English-speaking clientele and new bug reports will be much more convenient and modern.
Thanks for understanding, all questions on Skype: Urchika
With respect, administration !
2007-2024 © Freelance Studio.
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