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the Analysis of the market of servers Lineage 2

the History of Lineage 2 servers is almost the same in all cases. People for a long time interested in the ruler, servers, news, talks on the forums first with players, then with the developers and owners of projects. Gradually his consciousness creeping in the idea of creating your project. It's profitable and fun! What is the result? Office work is postponed for the second plan, all attention is focused on the collection of information, money, and components for future mega-project. But in practice, the prefix mega may in the two accounts to be reversed, and a server a lot of money not "drip".

Quirks of the gaming market

the Lineage 2 Market is multifaceted, but quite predictable. Servers are opened every month, regularly and a lot. Projects are selected for different news: someone is trying to differ by newer versions, some of them take classics. And different project budgets. Some believe due to invest in a beautiful website design and quality Assembly, the other "cloned" already existing, especially not to spend. However, I would like to clarify the point that the Lineage 2 market is a business field where there are standard laws of supply and demand. Any investment must be, first, justified, and secondly, been warranted. To talk about the fact that the project is cool because it is very costly for its owners, it's silly. Really decent server in the first place, meets the needs of the players. About this talk.

"Hooks" for players of Lineage 2

so that the server Lineage 2 has earned the attention and interest of the players, they need to provide a lot of subtleties. Without them even a project with a funky design and a cool promotional video "choke."

the Gameplay. Oddly enough, this is often a problem. Players are looking for experiences and excitement, waiting for developments. If their expectations are not met, they leave to another server.

the Stability of the server. This is the "iron" protection from DDoS-attacks. For "green" project Lineage 2 even one day of downtime as a result of lack of access can be fraught with full loss of online. Moreover, players will not hold on to the server that "drops". Again, they need positive emotions from the game. Other players are not used to count.

Lack of flaws. Even true to say that a small number of flaws. The server where the meter via the meter does not according to the script, eventually becomes annoying. In the end, "drain" line. To avoid this, you need to initially take care of buy a good Assembly.

Assess the needs of players

For many who want to open a server issue with the definition that is most relevant for the gaming community, can be difficult. To understand which Chronicles mainly in the go, by researching the rating servers. To date, lead projects Lineage 2 High Five, Goddess of Destruction, Epilogue and of course Interlude . What will happen in a month, six months, year, prompt the rating of servers on and

What to consider when planning to open a Lineage 2 server

- Seasonality (time of year), vacations, holidays, etc.

- Day of week ( in term time – it is better on a Friday or Saturday night )

- Chronicles and the Choice of rates after careful analysis of market

the opening Date of the plan, when the greatest demand on data rates and chronicle

- it's Better not to open a server, if You have a serious competitor and you will not be able to circumvent the advertising.

- Also need to be considered and many small but significant nuances.

turnkey Projects on L2-scripts

Another way not to lose — will speak to knowledgeable and experienced assistants. Such is the Studio L2-scripts. You can get professional help and be sure that You are in safe hands. All components + of the advertising campaign, protection against DDoS and service. Provides service packages in different price categories.

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