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Java server Lineage II Java server lineage 2 simulates the work of the legendary MMORPG and functions using database management system MySQL. This is the server emulator that is written in the programming languages Java and Python. Java server Lineage II began to emerge when "ruler" began to gain great popularity. The hype around it made me want to open an additional unofficial game servers. However, startups are faced with the problem of closeness of the server software of the original version. That, in fact, of course. No mass does not compel developers of the "second line" open access to such information. However, free servers are still there and occupied most of the gaming market.

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PvP server Lineage II PvP Concept implies the possibility to arrange attacks and fight players on other players. The essence of this fun for online games is reflected in the name. PvP means "player versus player". PvP server Lineage II is available for different Chronicles. There is a PvP server, High Five, Epilogue, Tauti, Glory Days, Lindvior.

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Administration of the project Lineage II Administration of projects is an important part of the setup for the stable functioning of Internet resources. Whether it be game server or website, his work involves regular data flow, with changes, errors, and possible attacks by competitors.

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what is GEODATA (Geodata) ? what is it? For mobs there is no walls both in principle and for characters, bumping into the wall and buksuya you still changing the coordinates, mobs slip them faster. As for mobs world - smooth plateau that is aggressive you will notice and attack if they're in their radius even if you are behind a wall and can't see them.

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Website servers L2: important and useless elements of the structure Online game bar 2 is one of the most popular MMORPG, including in Russia. In addition to the official servers, a large army of players creates a good informal online websites that appear regularly. Let's talk about them. Server games line games free 2 on the market a lot. They vary in scale, coverage players, build quality, and organization of gameplay and administration. In this article we will address the structure of sites, their mandatory elements.

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the Role of advertising in promoting L2 servers let's Start with the fact that advertising lineage 2 server in a standard way. So here came: all knowledge on the "white" Internet marketing here can forget. All the secrets, of course, will not open, but the main points of advertising for l2 call.

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DDOS servers L2: what to do to not "lie"? Opening Lineage project plan with a large online attracts attention not only interested players and competitors. The danger from the second can come at any time after starting the server in the form of ddos attacks. To leave this issue unattended is not recommended, if you do not want to "burn" on his project in the early days.

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Competition in the market of free servers L2: What keeps players? How many servers exist in the game lineage II? To name a specific figure is almost impossible. The market of servers of Lineage II can not be controlled, and means to keep track of competitors with precision will not succeed. However, the number of free servers is very large: every month new site for the game. Only a small portion of new servers Lineage II can be seen in the tops and rankings. The rest remain in the shadows. Why is this happening and how to beat the competition, which are not visible? These and other questions are often asked by everyone who sees it in the perspective of opening new servers Lineage II.

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How to choose the right date for the opening of Lineage 2 server Projects are the most popular games in recent years Lineage 2 open all year round. This is evidenced by requests to the order server La2. Contrary to popular opinion, some believe profitable the winter months to start free servers, others for the hot season. However, the influx of new projects has still to cold and rainy days. Consider the pros and cons of seasonal factors open Lineage 2 server.

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analysis of the market of servers Lineage 2 the History of Lineage 2 servers is almost the same in all cases. People for a long time interested in the ruler, servers, news, talks on the forums first with players, then with the developers and owners of projects. Gradually his consciousness creeping in the idea of creating your project. It's profitable and fun! What is the result? Office work is postponed for the second plan, all attention is focused on the collection of information, money, and components for future mega-project. But in practice, the prefix mega may in the two accounts to be reversed, and a server a lot of money not "drip".

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Fraud in Lineage 2 cost-effective "soil" has always been and remains favorable for breeding scams. In the gaming business not have done without them. Do not clean the hands of developers, players, PR people – to meet the scams, unfortunately, more often than you might imagine. It is easiest to fall into their trap for beginners, who are interested in, how to create Lineage 2 server . But sometimes, pecking and experienced guys. Fraudsters are most attracted to those who are poorly versed in the gaming space, owns a small knowledge base. Blank communication, nakalyvanie and biased reviews wishful thinking – that's what these dealers say. For the inexperienced creators of Lineage 2 server their descriptions look very attractive. This article will talk about fraud in the field of developers offering Assembly of dubious origin and quality.

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How to avoid mistakes when selecting the build Lineage 2 to Talk about the popularity of the legendary MMORPG Lineage II. Since its release on the Russian servers and to this day the interest in the game high. In confirmation of this – regularly opened the sites with the opportunity to "cut in line" online. The relevance of the game was the occasion for a good source of income for those making new servers though. Having heard about the success that many are torn in the ranks of the server owners to raise a few hundred for a couple of months. But as you know, free cheese only in a mousetrap, and free money on the surface L2 servers are not lying. We must remember that making money those who spend them. In other words, to slip into the pocket "flowed kakariki" need to invest.

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What is the Lineage 2 Emulators ? the Founders in creating emulators Lineage 2, of course, include only 2 commands: l2jserver and L2jfee. The rest of the team took as a basis for its further development it is the basis of these commands. No one now, in our time, not developing the emulator Lineage2 from scratch. Unfortunately, it is not understood by everyone, especially when it comes to theft of intellectual property


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Why buy servers L2 turnkey? Lineage II — the legendary fantasy online game, which in October this year will celebrate its tenth birthday. Appeared in 2003 in South Korea, Lineage II quickly captured the minds of hundreds of thousands of players in many countries. Prior to the opening of the official Russian servers, gamers scoured the expanses of the world's L2 English on North American servers. Lineage II is one of the few works of developers of computer games online, the interest of which is constantly growing, and the army of gamers is multiplying by leaps and bounds. In the ranking of the most popular games Lineage II always takes the top lines.

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