Party/Clan/CC PvP Tournament
Everybody remembers the old manual events made by GMs like party vs party or clan vs clan?
That was a stone age, and many admins wants to get the full automatic event like this.
As Always, we have a solution:
Briefly about the event:
Registration is made by 2-4-16-32 parties and are having random battle between them.
Winners continue to the next round and loosers are getting out.
And until there's one absolute winner, every winner gets a price.
Detailed review:
1. Every party leader can register its party if every creteria is made correct. (everything can be configured).
2. The start of the tournament is like we use to have, everybody is teleported to the jail, players sit, we spawn the NPC manager that maintain the the event. He explains the players the rules and then ask 2 party to join the first fight.
3. Every party is teleported to a new instance when nobody can interfiere them.
4. If everybody is dead from the opposite team or on time lapse there were most players on one team, they conclude to be winners.
5. And every round until winners conclude.
Tournament specification:
1. NPC manager is telling the participating what's happening on the arena, who killed who and how.
2. The waiting players can observe the opponents battle with a special NPC
3. There's about 35 locations to battle, from simple death match arena to a labyrinth.
4. Everything is automatic.
Good for any kind of server.
Compatibility: Any Java server pack and l2-scripts pack.