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Glory Days - the last month.


Dear customers, due to the fact that we have already gone far in development and almost all customers have been transferred to the new Chronicles Lindvior Ertheia and, therefore, the development branch of our Glory Days had become outdated and no longer relevant and in demand.


the decision by the Studio team to finalize the Chronicles Glory Days.

Support completely stops its work on 1 September on this thread.


If someone wants to buy the Assembly or source code, then you have the opportunity with a big discount in the period until 1 September.


the Price for the Assembly is reduced to 14 000

Price source Glory Days is reduced to 60 000.


the detailed implementation can be found on our website here: Glory Days


sincerely, Yuri !

Geodata Ertheia


L2-scripts Ertheia Geodata 


Introducing our GEODATA Assembly Ertheia.


GEODATA was developed when writing your own generation algorithm.


Build of perfect analogues does not exist ! Guarantee !


Ask the test server with our Manager


 This GEODATA is not issued when buying Artea Assembly. It can be bought separately.




1. For existing customers  Assembly L2-scripts: 4500 rubles


2. For New customers assemblies L2-scripts:  6000 rubles.


3. For clients of third-party assemblies: 8000-10000 rubles


Customers third-party assemblies we have the right to refuse to purchase geo without explanation of reasons.


Technical support for GEODATA free !

Each GEODATA when issuing the client an unique kriptues with reference to your build and IP address.

Therefore, the dealers there is nothing to do...


If you have questions, please write in Asya 9-013-612



L2S-Guard - predreliz batch protect the new generation.


Dear colleagues, administrators and developers, we offer you to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of our new product - Batch protection of game servers.
As many of you know, the old methods of protection that at the hearing, for one reason or another, every day more and more vulnerable to Scam players. Open access already can find bypass protections such as LameGuard. The reasons for this phenomenon, probably each their own, but modern methods of protection have stopped in their development and that is a fact. 

In this regard, we have to think about developing their product.
Protection is called simply L2S-Guard.

Release protection scheduled for August 2014. Pre-orders for the protection we will be able to take on the 23rd July.


And now more about the possibilities of the module:

L2S-Guard - protection solution for the massively multiplayer online game (Lineage 2) fraud players (cheats and bots). Protection works effectively if a game was protected before release. It allows developers set a high security level and spend less time on maintaining game balance during the operation of the online game.

* Protection from bots, radar and other packet manipulators
* securing traffic between game client and server
* Checking the integrity of code and data executable files of the game
* Protection against modification client files
* Monitoring the integrity of executable files of the game.
* Protection from modifikacii's resources.

Security is a client/server module for customers next version:

* Interlude
* Gracia Part II
* Gracia Final
* Gracia Epilogue
* Freya
* High Five
* Goddess of Destruction: Awakening , Glory Days , Tauti , Epsidion , Dimensional Strangers , Infinite Odyssey
* LineageII Classic

Integration of protection:

* the Server module is easily integrated into any game server if you have the source code , just built in by default in the finished Assembly partners.
* Client part - gets a full system folder with all the built in modules protection , you only need to inform your IP address and for version of the game.

Supported operating systems for client side:

* Windows XP 32/64-bit
* Windows Vista 32/64-bit
* Windows 7 32/64-bit
* Windows 8 32/64-bit
* Windows 8.1 32/64-bit


our pricing policy for your protection we decided to proceed from the standards.

Approximate cost protection L2s-Guard:

1. Customers assemblies L2-scripts - price 4500r (if you previously bought the old module our protection, the price is 3500 rubles for update)
2. Customers of any assemblies - Binding to IP address of 8000 rubles.
3. Customers of any assemblies - Bind domain name - 10000 rubles.




maintenance Renewal for 6 months - 3000 rubles.

Rebind to another IP address 1000 rubles

Change the license holder 1500 rubles.

Technical support will be provided for 6 months free maintenance and updates.
We commit to close any vulnerabilities in our module within the stated period.

Expect more details closer to the release and stocked with patience and plans for long-term cooperation with us !

sincerely, Yuri !



Dear customers, we are starting the holidays and I would like to inform you about the rules of our work in the period.


June 29 - 23 July our Studio runs in a restricted mode.


In this period will be accepted only the orders for finished products such as assemblies, template work, etc.

Technical support for customer Assembly will be done only through the bug report on the forum.


Contacts on the website for orders for the Assembly will operate in a floating mode, as Internet availability.


please extend the support for July until June 29. Update our Assembly is ready, as we promised.

Please take seriously that we all have time to do before you leave.


sincerely, Yuri !


Updates assembly L2-scripts


Dear colleagues and clients, present to you the promised update for our main assemblies:


Assembling High Five Rev. 11489 (Global update routine + critical fixes rounds of Language). the  

be Sure all customers updated! Fixed a very serious critical exploity and so on.


Build Lindvior Rev. 11613 (Planned update based on your bug reports)


Build Erthea Rev. 12159 (Planned update on the implementation of the chronicle)


Details of updates, refer to the appropriate section on our website.


Dear customers, as I reported in news, I remind you that this month in connection with holidays, we've released an update and also ask, to pay for the extension of technical support for July until June 29. All who do not have time, will be disabled and will remain without technical support in July.  please Take seriously to this notification!


sincerely, Yuri !


vacation time


Dear customers, we are starting the holidays and I would like to inform in advance about the rules of our work in the period.


June 29 - July 23 our Studio runs in a restricted mode.


In this period will be accepted only the orders for finished products such as assemblies, template work, etc.

Technical support for customer Assembly will be done only through the bug report on the forum. Skype is Igor is unavailable.


Contacts on the website for orders for Assembly work by special schedule:


Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12-00 till 15-00 Moscow time. (closer to the holidays, you may schedule subject to change.)


please extend the support for July until June 29. Update our Assembly in June, we commit ourselves to prepare till June 29.

Please take seriously that we all have time to do before you leave.


sincerely, Yuri !


Gracia Epilogue rev. 911


Dear customers, small update of our build Gracia Epilogue Rev. 911


Updates based on your few reports.


more Details about the Assembly: l2-scripts Epilogue Gracia 


If someone wishes to resume maintenance, you are welcome !


sincerely, Yuri !

Update Lindvior rev assembly. 11522


Dear colleagues, customers, prepared for you a global update of Lindvior build.


Lindvior Rev.  11522


note: we Ask all to extend support to 5 June in order to avoid disconnection from those of support.


If there is any doubt in the quality of our products, please ask us to run you a test server.


sincerely, Yuri !


Upgrading High Five assembly


 Dear customers, has released a new update for assembling High Five, L2-scripts, based on your bug report:


 1. Assembling High Five  11356 Revision


Note: we Ask you to pay for technical support before 5 June, in order to avoid disconnection.


do Not forget that on our Assembly you can admire from the inside.

Write in ICQ 9-013-612 and ask to run a test any of our assemblies.


Ertheia Assembly of L2-scripts the studio


Dear administrators, we represent you our new product Ertheia


This product is still in private development, would all those interested, before ordering contact us.


  Assembly Ertheia


There are proposals for cooperation in this study. We invite all interested servers. Write, discuss !


 a Little history of this Assembly:


based on the source of L2-Lindvior scripts, full functionality and updates which are described in the appropriate section of our site. The Assembly is fully synchronized with the main branch of Lindvior.


Current beta revision 12007.


The Assembly is adapted for all modern batch systems protection LameGuard, CCP and TP.

Beware of a new Assembly on the side for you anywhere else except on our website does not sell the original. No dealers we have, all who pretend to be our distributors and the TA - you cheat. Also remember, even if someone sells our Assembly, then purchasing it from the side, you run the risk of not only being cheated but also speilet the project at the start...




based on our sources Lindvior:

Details here



Details and progress on the development: Ertheia Build from the team L2-scripts.



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