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Dear customers Sun-Dev! If you are tired of the constant freezes, the inability of administration to cope with memory leaks, and generally dopami other problems... If you are not able to append to the programmers weeks, we suggest you share: Those who will go with building it on our We offer: 1. Discount for Assembly in the amount of 3000, regardless of the time of year. 2. In the summer, full support for free, then at a minimal price. 3. No friezes and Dubov. Read more about the Assembly here: http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?productID=496 please Write in Asya 9-013-612 sincerely, administration ! ---------------------------
Assembly Gracia epilogue Revision 2826. Important fixes dupe through ArtMoney in which LameGuard doesn't help. (on all modern plow Assembly, now in addition to ours.) -------------------------------------------
Dear customers, we present to you the current stable revision of our assemblies. the Current working version grace Frey - 998 revision (more info) the Current working version Gracia epilogue - 2815 revision (podrobnee) --------------------------- Attention: still working summer discounts (read more) sincerely, administration ! ------------------------------------
Dear clients, glad to make you happy new razrabotochka from Studio L2-scripts. we present a new gaming service - Paid system Hiro chat. Details here: http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?productID=524 --------------------------------------------
Dear customers, released for our assemblies. the Current working version grace Frey - 998 revision (more info) the Current working version Gracia epilogue - 2809 revision (podrobnee) --------------------------- Attention: still working summer discounts (read more) sincerely, administration ! ------------------------------------
Dear customers and new users, for you good news! 1. Summer at our Assembly Gracia epilogue and Gracia Freya - discount 3000 rubles. That is, the Assembly of grace the epilogue for all new customers will cost 15,000 rubles Build grace Frey will cost 18,000 rubles. the Offer is valid until 31 August 2011. 2. Also, all customers for the entire summer - free technical support. Technical support and all updates are free throughout the summer period. we work for you and do not take anything with you except for one-off cost Assembly with discount price. Also, please note that all summer - technical support will work directly via Skype with a programmer. That is the kind of support that previously we were worth 10000r per month, is now available to everyone absolutely free of charge. Cost of grace the epilogue - 15,000 rubles without a server rent the Cost of grace Frey - 18,000 rubles without a server rent========================================================= Familiar with assemblies here: http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?categoryID=169
Contact our customer L2-scripts.ru - you will help.
Consultant for General inquiries and technical support: (ICQ) 9-013-612
BreezeCore - Ready project we Offer you solutions for your projects rejected by clients for any reason. We sell the complete pack project, which includes the website, the necessary scripts, the Assembly has already been configured under rates, domain.
Possibilities project | Solution |
Chronicles | Gracia Epilogue, Freya, Interlude |
Rates | any |
PSD | |
Separately design | maybe |
Redesign | Partially available |
Domain | BreezeCore.ru (any) |
Scripts | a Personal account PTS, Statistics, Additional modules (password Change, account, autocont, VIP account ) and more. Also the forum design. |
Build | package included Assembly EURO OFF PTS Interlude or l2-scripts epilogue 939 free. Or L2-scripts Epilogue last (+16K rubles) or l2-Freya scripts (+19 K rubles) or any of your Assembly. |
Setting | Full installation by our website, scripts, assemblies. |
rent a server | |
Any changes | by appointment |
Price - 18,000 rubles without a server rent
If you buy the Assembly with l2-scripts epilogue, the price of the project is 34000 rubles
If you buy the Assembly with l2-scripts Frey, the price of the project is 37,000 rubles ========================================================= get Familiar with other projects here: http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?categoryID=171
Contact our customer L2-scripts.ru - will help you.
Consultant for General inquiries and technical support: (ICQ) 9-013-612
Dear customers, on sale ready project Imolete. the Cost is 19 000 rubles. the Owner, the project was abandoned and put up for sale. Details: http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?productID=522 sincerely, administration! -------------------------------------
the Action "Denounce Competitor" 
Action is to provide discounts to everyone who got burned on the left studios and wants quality products. For example, you bought an Assembly in which a team and very disappointed in it. In this case, we offer a 20% discount, and you will share with us the work data careless developers. I Want to see each team has its own internal rules of non-proliferation of products by clients. We understand and in no case do not encourage you to violate these rules. But if you cheated and didn't provide the claimed, I would personally have done so. If someone is not able to perform their obligations, then why should you do it ? You will share with us their best practices for educational purposes, and in return receive a discount on a better product. There is a wonderful saying "the Avaricious pays twice" - but we got a discount :) About all current promotions, you can read in the appropriate section of the website: Stocks _________________________________________________________
Dear customers and fans of balls! On our website now available a new section of our Charnay with outdated products. Details you can read here: http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?show_aux_page=25 sincerely, administration! ---------------------------------------
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