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Dear customers Assembly l2-scripts Interlude, we are glad to inform that finally released the stable version of the audit 348. All changes you can read on the website: http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?productID=510 price Also build 348 audit is 6000 rubles. sincerely, administration !
Dear customers Assembly L2-scripts, in recent years, new versions of Igamov and other Labuda who is able to bypass lameguard the batch level. due to numerous complaints about spamming in the game using the game/walkerb, we have developed our own system of anti-spam. unlike Feliksovich settings, we have all the configs are derived in detail, and the administrator can adjust them, the configs have been tweaked for the better, in every global chat - your settings. For the safety of our customers we will post the full configuration list and the work done on the technical side, so as not to expose you to danger from spammers. All configs is available only to our customers in a separate document. the main configuration is 16 pieces, and more than 30 methods that guarantee to reduce the possibility of spam to a minimum. I note that Gita0 – founder of the protection lameguard said that the fix for this problem is. Therefore, only at our Assembly, the first appears the fix at the Assembly level. Available in the latest revision of the Assembly l2-scripts epilogue, which will be released after March 1.
Dear customers assemblies, l2-scripts , in the network there was a terrible bug with the looping Java, to all urgently to read the manual for its termination. the Manual in the client section of the forum here: http://l2-scripts.ru/forum/showthread.php?t=619 We care about your safety!
Dear customers, we began to develop video presentations of the highest level and quality. We provide everything, so you don't have any services to go anywhere. Details you can read in this thread: http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?productID=520 sincerely, administration !
Update the audit zbaracki 1921... basically the current patch from the Assembly of 1793... based on bug report clients. Included in the terms of customer audit, 1793. click here for Details about our sbrocca here: http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?productID=496 sincerely, administration!
Dear customers, as you know, we have been engaged in the development of the Assembly Gracia epilogue, now I want you to imagine and build Interlud until it is very deshego, rush to be the first clients, for a couple of months of our work the price will not be as attractive. Details here: http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?productID=510 sincerely, administration !
Dear customers, we've been engaged in and designs websites, working with a major web Studio, with other studios on razrabotke ON, and finally published all possible at the moment services. discover new services and scripts on our website in the directory. sincerely, administration !
Dear programmers and designers, we are pleased to announce that our Studio has begun the recruitment of staff and like-minded people in our friendly staff. We need JAVA programmers, PHP, Html, web Designers and website Designers Details can be read here: http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?show_aux_page=22
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